Yours is the only Substack that I both regularly read and enjoy. Looking forward to the fiction series very much! 💓

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Gosh, Kathryn, thanks so much? ❤️ I hope you enjoy the series! 🤞

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Lol... the exclamation mark morphed into a question mark and changed the tenor of that sentence! Not questioning you, only thankful. 😄

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Jun 20Liked by Maura McHugh

I got a new fridge back in January! I do know exactly what you mean with all the bells and whistles... I just wanted one with an ice maker as I had a line put in from the water to make that. I'm still wondering if my water is purified, lol... I keep meaning to check the manual of the fridge to see if that's a feature... a creature feature! Ha. But aren't all these big clunky oh mi gosh the next word is eluding me now... so I'll say, electronic machines... aren't they all creatures? Creatures that take up space in our homes. (Appliances was the word I brain farted on-- I'm getting old... or just tired! I drove 2 hours to the shores of NJ this morning)...

I do love your writing very much. Grateful for the series you're doing-- my memoir is going to be released that way I decided. Substack is great... we should use it in all it's glorious methods of publishing our work. ♥️😊😁 have a great rest of your week! Xoxo. ♥️ and I'm proud of you for deleting the gram. I use Twitter (x) mostly myself but the gram is so toxic in so many ways and I see it even when I myself am posting. I've become a little bit misogynistically toxic. I don't like being that, so I don't check the gram as frequently. Toodaloo! 😊🐠🐠🐠

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The fridge/freezer purchase is just so daunting, they're massive, costly and require specific dimensions in your space. Plus, everyone needs different things. I hope yours is working out. So far our monolith is doing its job very studiously.

Social media is free but comes with a hidden cost, and I'm trying to reduce my (mental) payments! LOL

Best of luck with your memoir.

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Thanks luv. We actually paid off the fridge just about now! I was so happy with that. One more small little payment next month and that bill is gone gone gone! Thank goodness. We actually opened a Lowes credit account and did the year payment plan. 7 months paid off isn't too bad, the goal was by November. So July! I'll take it. And yes, the appliance search in general is daunting. We replaced our stove and oven ( I guess that's called a range? Again, my old brain, lol) and dishwasher a couple years ago with our wedding money we received and we were trying for a new washer dryer but we need the stackable kind. Home Depot sells the proper size so when this machine finally craps out (which I thought would be 2 years ago)-- we will go to Home Depot and do what we did with the fridge. We also replaced our sofa and got a loveseat too! Fun times.... shopping and appliance hunting... adult things, again, getting older. It's crazy what's so much more important to me now.

I was in an airbnb with a fancy screen on the fridge door. I ignored it but my hubs (who never and i mean never cooks) found it delightful. I liked that it told me the weather but then again, so does literally any device! I use that argument too for why I don't need a peloton... so many youtube videos have instructions for various work outs plus years ago I was a certified instructor so I try to back log my information from my aging brain. Haha. I'm really focused on that today. 😆

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