May 22Liked by Maura McHugh

Beautiful writing as ever and I love the things I learn from you... when I resubscribe again to Disney + I'll look for Shogun. I've been considering it anyway so now I know it's worthy of a watch. The mention of Salems Lot made me realize I need to read that because it's one of Kings books that I never read 📚 he released another short stories collection today. He's so amazing, just nothing compares for me to Stephen King.

Anyways, thanks for the recommendation! Xoxo ♥️ also, the birds and their celestial hymns-- totally relate. They're producing the soundtrack to my late mornings and afternoons as my kitties are enthralled to be watching them, lol.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

Aw thanks, Laura!

That King collection sounds worth getting. I've always said he writes better the shorter he keeps the book, so short stories are a fantastic format for him.

Cats and birds... there's a cartoon in that. 😉

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I'm old enough to remember the original shogun! And I read the book too, most of which went entirely over my head. But sounds like it's worth watching the series.

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The new one is terrific. If you liked the old one then you'll enjoy this. I read the book too when I was a teen... now its 1152 pages would intimidate the hell out of me. But back then, with no Internet and mostly boring TV, it was just the ticket! I'm not sure I've read a book of a comparable size in decades! 🧐

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God, yes, I know what you mean! I had no such fear when I was a kid. In fact, a great big book was fantastic because that would mean several hours of reading. As opposed to an average novel, which would be dispensed with in a couple of hours! But now I’m like, hmm Lonesome Dove, I will never read you…

Actually a good thing about the kindle (or generic e-reader, whatever) is that you could - at least in theory - have no idea about the length of a book before you start it. Which might be helpful. Maybe I will read Lonesome Dove one day, after all!

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Kindle reading is perfect for the mammoth book. I have started (not finished) Lonesome Dove on my Kindle, in fact. So many people recommended it to me.

Like you, when I was a teen I loved a massive novel. Oh how times have changed! I feel there is a forthcoming Substack post on this theme!

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